Vitec Stock Supplement Administration & Dosage Rates
Vitec Stock Supplements are designed to be added into your animal health rotation – with the goal to boost overall health and wellbeing. Ideally Vitec stock supplements are made available on a fortnightly bases.
How to Administer Vitec Stock Supplements
There are various ways to administer Vitec Stock Supplements, below we have outlined the 4 most common methods. We recommend selecting a method that works alongside your current operation ie if you are getting you animals into the yards on a regular bases then drenching may be the best option for you. If you animal are use to self administering, for example they have access to free choice minerals, then a Vitec Eezy Feeder might work best for you. Alternatively a mixed approach can also be highly effective.
Drenching: Most effective method is drenching as it ensures 100%
utilisation and accuracy.
Adding to Feed: Spray over hay or other dry food. Some extra Molasses
can to be added initially to increase acceptance.
Adding to the Water: If using this method, dosing should be carried out early in the day to ensure as even uptake as possible. Note not appropriate for Cod Liver Oil
Eezy Feeder: Stock self administer by licking the coated balls in the feeder. Note not appropriate for Cod Liver Oil
Recommended Dosage Rates
Please note, all dosage rates are general in nature. Please consult with your animal health specialist for individual advice.
* 40ml
* 25ml
FortnightlyCalves, Alpacas & Pigs
* 20ml
FortnightlySheep & Goats
* 5ml
FortnightlyWhen stressful conditions occur such as reduced feed, extreme climate conditions or sickness, Vitec Min-Kel can be extremely beneficial. A single dose, 5-10 times the general dose can be used. For breeding stock, a 5 times general dose is recommended one week before joining and one week before birth to improve fertility and reduce the likelihood of birth complications.
Dosage Disclaimer
Please note, all dosage rates are general in nature. Please consult with your animal health specialist for individual advice.
* 40ml
* 25ml
FortnightlyCalves, Alpacas & Pigs
* 20ml
FortnightlySheep & Goats
* 5ml
FortnightlyWhen stressful conditions occur such as reduced feed, extreme climate conditions or sickness, Vitec Min-Kel can be extremely beneficial. A single dose, 5-10 times the general dose can be used. For breeding stock, a 5 times general dose is recommended one week before joining and one week before birth to improve fertility and reduce the likelihood of birth complications.
Dosage Disclaimer
Please note, all dosage rates are general in nature. Please consult with your animal health specialist for individual advice.
* 40ml
* 50ml
FortnightlyCalves, Sheep & Goats
* 20ml
FortnightlyAlpacas & Pigs
* 10ml
FortnightlyFortnightly dosages are recommended. If drenching, it’s advised that the apple cider vinegar is diluted with either water or Vitec Min-Kel before being administered. During stressful periods such as adverse weather, feed shortages or pre-calving, a double dose can be extremely beneficial.
* 10ml
* 20ml
DailyCalves, Sheep & Goats
* 5ml
* 1ml
DailySuggested daily dosage rates when adding to feed or water. During stressful periods such as adverse weather, feed shortages or pre-calving, a double dose can be extremely beneficial.
Dosage Disclaimer
Please note, all dosage rates are general in nature. Please consult with your animal health specialist for individual advice.
* 20ml
* 25ml
FortnightlyCalves, Alpacas & Pigs
* 10ml
FortnightlySheep & Goats
* 5ml
FortnightlyDosage Disclaimer
Please note, all dosage rates are general in nature. Please consult with your animal health specialist for individual advice.